h’alt® predicts which projects may perform well and which ones are at risk. It does so by monitoring and assessing patterns of engagement of your team with h’alt®.
Empower people to make the right decision, every time and in every project phase; h’alt® directs professionals to the right content and encourages early cross-functional collaboration.
Proactive organisations use front-end loaded decision-making to enjoy reduced project costs, snagging, and delivery time; Operating projects benefit from a reduced Levelised Cost of Energy (LCoE).
Reduce failures, 5-why frequencies, hazard spotting and investigations.
Understand and harness differences
With h’alt®, queries are anonymised. So even in hierarchical cultures, users can raise queries without affecting team integrity and managerial relationships. And they often do!
One Team. Together
Searching in the workflow connects user queries with stage gate controls. Because queries are raised before failures, incidents or accidents, preventative actions are team-owned.
Supply chains. Aligned
Deploying h’alt® to contractors creates a common intent and mutual accountability. h’alt® reduces variances, contract claims and unnecessary disputes by instilling thorough work design. 20% of users tell us that h’alt® helps them achieve safe outcomes.
Recognise precursors. Anticipate their consequences.
Whether it’s contractual scope, work design or resource coordination, h’alt® helps users understand the consequences of decisions, early, and make the right choices long before work is carried out.
Equip the front line. Consistently.
Understanding the risks created by decisions reduces the burden on team leaders and supervisors on the front line to mitigate risks arising from the work plan and focus on delivering a quality job.
Increase operational sensitivity
h’alt® increases operational sensitivity and reduces failure rates by ensuring that the right number of people with the right skills do the right jobs with the right tools in the right place at the right time.
Reduces unplanned downtime
It’s no secret that getting the job done right first time reduces the need for rework. 40% of our users tell us that h’alt® content helps them improve work quality.
Maintains availability
Rely on team performance to maintain availability, not contracted performance targets. h’alt® can also support development and construction teams make asset lifecycle decisions by looking at long-term performance.
Reduces LCoE
h’alt® can significantly reduce the cost of producing energy. Not only through developing team competencies quickly but by embedding good practice and informed decision-making at a very early stage.
Watch our launch webinar video and see just how h’alt® can deliver
decision-making in the workflow
We’re working with h’alt® to create the strongest possible start in developing our service operations in the APAC region.
h’alt® contains front-end loaded decision-making content that enables my team to understand the consequences of their planning, scheduling, resourcing, tooling and even contract decision-making.
In the back-end, the platform’s ability to harness data insights empowers us to respond quickly to our team’s needs and help close any knowledge gaps.
Tracking content queries pinpoints where my team operates against our stage gate governance process. More content searches relating to work execution instead of planning or preparation provide early warnings of a reactive approach.
Insights like these helps me to home in on the project, team or range of decisions in question to ensure that risks and assumptions are mitigated.
10 years of working together with team ARMSA is testimony to their track record and the trust they have built in the Irish renewables market. Once again, they have innovated - and h’alt® is very well poised to sit at the heart of Irish high-growth renewable businesses.
Workforce planning & skills development are primary strategic pillars of the Green Tech Skillnet strategy. h’alt® is one of the key tools that GTS believes will deliver that for Ireland and beyond.